
Content pertaining to the schedule of events.

Manchester High School, Manchester CT 06040

Manchester High School Breakfast and Tour

Who: Classes of 1970 and 1971.

What: Breakfast at MHS

When: Saturday, October 15 9:00AM.

Where: Manchester High School, 134 Middle Tpke E, Manchester, CT 06040

Map Link: Manchester High School

RSVP please. -->Here<--. We need a rough head count for our food order.

Breakfast of Champions! The bell rings at 9:00 AM in the high school cafeteria. Continental breakfast in the high school cafeteria followed by a tour of the high school. We will be given a tour by current students. Last time it was fun and the students will have questions for us as well. The tour will begin no earlier than 10:00 AM.

MHS has changed quite a bit since we were there. There's been renovations and redesigns of key areas. Classrooms haven't changed much and the lockers are the same. However it's unlikely that your memory will match the reality.

Enter the cafeteria through this new parking lot door pictured below.

Manchester High School, Manchester CT 06040

The cafeteria is nothing like it was when we were there. Here's some photos from our breakfast in 2015.

Manchester High School, Manchester CT 06040

Manchester High School, Manchester CT 06040

Manchester High School, Manchester CT 06040

Bolton Notch State Park

Who: Classes of 1970 and 1971.

What: Hike

When: Saturday, October 15 12:00 PM

Where: Bolton Notch State Park

Map Link: Bolton Notch State Park

Following the MHS breakfast and tour on Saturday morning we will head out to Bolton Notch State Park for a hike. We can only estimate what time breakfast and the tour will be over and we leave MHS. The hike will be along the rail trail for .75 miles and then returning for a total of 1.5 miles. Below is a map of the hike.

Bolton Notch State Park

You can link to the AllTrails version of this map by clicking -->Here<--. You can download the map to your mobile device if you have an account at AllTrails.

Parking is available at 2 locations. There is some parking at the trail head and more a short distance away at the Bolton Park and Ride. The latter is a short distance walk and is where the Manchester Drive-In theater was.

Bolton Notch State Park

Bolton Notch State Park is a well developed trail system and offers a great outdoors recreational experience.

Bolton Notch State Park

Bolton Notch State Park

Bolton Notch State Park

Shady Glen Restaurant, Mancheter CT 06040

Who: Classes of 1970 and 1971.

What: Lunch at Shady Glen

When: Monday, October 17 12:30 PM

Where: Shady Glen Restaurant

Map Link: 840 Middle Turnpike E, Manchester, CT 06040

Shady Glen Restaurant, Manchester CT 06040

Shady Glen is as much a part of growing up in Manchester as anything possibly can be. For those who don't get back to Manchester much it's a real treat. For those who live nearby, well, maybe not so much. Following our bike ride we'll pack up and head to Shady Glen.

We'll order food and sit outside in this new little picnic grove at Shady Glen. See the photo below. We'll check to make sure they haven't taken the tables in for the season. In case they do bring some chairs and we will bring a folding table. Of course this all depends on good weather.

Shady Glen Restaurant, Manchester CT 06040

We won't know what time we'll finish our ride but a good guess is that we'll arrive at Shady Glen a little after 12:00 noon. If we get there early we won't do anything until 12:30PM.

This is where we say farewell but not goodbye. There's no events for Tuesday. If you made it this far it's safe to say you probably found it all worthwhile.

 Shady Glen Restaurant, Manchester CT 06040

Shady Glen Restaurant, Manchester CT 06040

"We'll meet again, I don't know where, I don't know when, so until the next time it's farewell and not goodbye."

Manchester Country Club

Who: Class of 1970.

What: Main Dinner Event

When: Saturday, October 15 at 6:00PM

Where: Manchester Country Club

Map Link: 305 S Main St, Manchester, CT 06040


The main dinner event will be held at the Manchester Country Club. Tickets are $65 per person and they can be purchased online here. -->Tickets<--

The dinner will be buffet style with a main course offering of chicken marsala and roast beef au jus. No need to choose, both are offered.

Vegetarian or gluten free meal? You will have to let us know. Click here to order -->Here<--. These meals are "chef's choice". We hope we will get a better idea of what that means when we phone in our orders.

Manchester Country Club, Manchester CT 06040

Manchester Country Club, Manchester CT 06040

Manchester Country Club, Manchester CT 06040

Elicit Brewing, 165 Adams St, Manchester, CT 06042

Elicit Brewing Meetup Friday Night

Who: Class of 1970 only.

What: Informal meetup.

Where: 165 Adams St, Manchester, CT 06040

Phone: 860-791-8440

When: 6:00PM

Map Link: 165 Adams St, Manchester, CT 06040

Peter Adams Paper Mill, Manchester, CT 06040

Elicit Brewing will host a meetup for beer, wine, great food, and socializing.

Friday Night

We can begin to gather anytime from 6:00PM on. It might depend on where you choose to eat. Elicit has good brew pub type of food. An assortment of appetizers will be provided. There's a link below to the menu.

This is a mix of socializing, food, and beverages. We have a multimedia room reserved at Elicit called "The Voice Box".

This is a ground floor walk-in venue. There's no stairs. It's fully accessible.

Elicit Brewing Menu

Check out their virtual tour by clicking here.

Elicit Brewing was converted from a paper mill into a restaurant in 1982. It was the Adams Mill Restaurant up until 2019 when it became Elicit Brewing. You can visit their website to learn more. CLICK HERE.

Ellicit Brewing, 165 Adams St Manchester CT 06042

We've held reunion committee meetings here and have sampled the food. Elicit Brewing is an outstanding eating and socializing opportunity. It's good brew pub food. It's not a sit down restaurant with table service. The menu is linked here.

Check out the photos below.

Waffles & Chicken

Artisan Pizza

The following people have signed up for golf. Get your name on there! Add to the list!

Total Signed Up is 23 as of 9/24/2022

Class of 1970

John Odell

Fred Marshall

Ronald Roche - 2

Jim Wickwire

Paul Dodge

Ken Tedford

Jim Curtin

Gary Galasso

Scott Johnson

Carole Thompson Frigault

Class of 1971

Ronald Vincent - 2

Carol Krieski Weber - 2

Bruce Dubiel

David Gourley

Chris Cooper

Deb Creighton - 2

Mike Long

Kim Hovey

Jerry Mazur

Elicit Brewing, 165 Adams St, Manchester, CT 06042

Who: Classes of 1970 and 1971 combined.

What: Informal meetup.

When: 4:00PM Suggested

Where: 165 Adams St, Manchester, CT 06040 Phone: 860-791-8440

Phone: 860-791-8440

Map Link: 165 Adams St, Manchester, CT 06040

Peter Adams Paper Mill, Manchester, CT 06040

Elicit Brewing will host a meetup for beer, wine, great food, and socializing.

This may evolve into an interesting open mic music event. Interested performers from both classes should make their interest known. We've already started a list.

This is shaping up to be a unique event. We will once again gather in a room off the main hall called "The Voice Box". There's no set time to gather, we have the room beginning at 4:00PM. Elicit has good brew pub type of food. There's a link below to the menu.

This will be an interesting mix of socializing, sports viewing, food, and music. We have a multimedia room reserved at Elicit and we're working on some music. We will post a separate announcement about this. More info to come.

Check out their virtual tour by clicking here.

Elicit Brewing was converted from a paper mill into a restaurant in 1982. It was the Adams Mill Restaurant up until 2019 when it became Elicit Brewing. You can visit their website to learn more. CLICK HERE.

Ellicit Brewing, 165 Adams St Manchester CT 06042

Six years ago we met at this location when it was still Adams Mill. It was a fun late afternoon/early evening get together of drinks, football, and food for those who were so inclined. There's no clocks. Arrive when you like, leave when you like. We'll put out some appetizers.

A recent visit and tour of Elicit Brewing revealed an outstanding eating and socializing venue. The food is very good. It's "brew pub" food. Small plates and no sit down dinners with table service. The menu is linked here.

Check out the photos below.

Waffles & Chicken

Artisan Pizza

Hop River Rail Trail - Monday, October 17 - 10:00 AM.

Who: Classes of 1970 and 1971 combined.

What: Bike Ride, 13 mile round trip.

When: 10:00AM

Where: Interesection of Parker Street and Colonial Road

Map Link: Trailhead Parking Lot

Hop River Rail Trail, Vernon, CTThis ride will be at a leisurely pace along a rail trail with minimum incline to the hills.

Hop River Rail Trail, Vernon, CTThis was an excellent event at our 45th reunion. It was a glorius sunny October day to be outdoors. The ride took us through our gentle Connecticut hills. Since it was engineered by the railroad to have a minimum elevation grade change it is easy going.

Bolton Notch State Park, Bolton, CTThe plan is to take the Hop River Rail Trail 6.3 miles out to Bolton Notch State Park and then return along the same route to our starting point at the trailhead parking lot at the intersection of Parker Street and Colonial Road in Manchester.

Following our ride many of us will go to Shady Glen and enjoy a lunch in their new picnic grove.

Tunnel Road, Vernon, CT

Fall Foliage Bike Ride Map

Who: Classes of 1970 and 1971 combined.

What: Historic Manchester Tour

When: Sunday October 16 at 1:00PM

Where: The Old Manchester Museum

Map Link: 126 Cedar Street, Manchester CT 06040

Cheney Mills, photo by Sue Barlow

Note: There is a $5 suggested donation for this event payable at Old Manchester Museum.

David K. Smith, currator of the Old Manchester Museum, is going to open the museum for us and once again act as our guide. The Manchester Sports Hall of Fame is also housed in this facilty as well as a store offering books and other items for sale.

In addition to the museum we'll also visit the Manchester History Center where an exhibit entitled "Manchester Then and Now" is currently installed. It is described on their website as it "showcases the history of Manchester from pre-Colonial times to the present, and illustrates Manchester’s contributions to the arts and industry. The exhibit tells the story of how people from around the globe and from diverse backgrounds came to call Manchester home. The goal of this exhibit is to illustrate how Manchester’s past relates to the present day."

The Cheney Silk Mills played such a large role in the history and development of Manchester as well as the lives of our grandparents, parents, and our lives. Some of our parents emigrated from overseas to work in the Cheney Mills. How many of you really know much about the details? If you are interested in learning more here's an opportunity.

Old Manchester Museum with David K. Smith

The Old Manchester Museum is located in an 1859 schoolhouse at 126 Cedar Street. According to their website it contains "collections of maps, artifacts, exhibits of Pitkin glass, Cheney silk, art, military items, and more." Visit the society's page for this exhibit by clicking here. Curator David K. Smith is pictured here.

An excellent book on Manchester History is a book entitled The Story Tellers by Milton K Adams. It is a compilation of news articles going back to the late 1700's. It begins:

Monday, November 9, 1789
Dry and warm. I took my spotted cow out of Richard Pitkin's pasture. Began a new barrel of rum.

Life wasn't too bad back then. That book and others are available for sale at the museum. Milton K. Adams is the father of classmate Paige Adams.

historic storytellers

Cheney Homestead, Manchester, CT 06040The Cheney Homestead is located at 106 Hartford Road. A visit there is described as "View this 1785 house at 106 Hartford Road, and hear commentary about the residence, which was donated to the Manchester Historical Society in 1968 for use as a house museum." Guided tours include history of the building and its contents, and of the family who lived there. The Keeney Schoolhouse is on the grounds of the Homestead, and is open when the weather is warm enough.

Keeney Schoolhouse, Manchester, CTClick here for details on the Cheney Homestead and Keeney Schoolhouse.

The Fire Museum is located at the old Cheney Fire Station at 230 Pine Street. They do have some interesting exhibits there. You can read about it on the Manchester Historical Society's page by clicking here. You can also go directly to The Fire Museum's webpage by clicking here. Manchester Fire Museum, Manchester, CT

If you are interested in the Cheney Historic District you go on a self-guided walking tour. You can visit this page here for general information, click here. You can view a map of the district with points of interest by clicking here.

Cheney Historic District Map, Manchester, CT 06040

Golf Tournament - Friday October 14Autumn Golf

Who: Classes of 1970 and 1971 combined.

What: Golf

When: Friday October 14

Where: Manchester Country Club

Time: 10:15 is the first tee time.

Map Link: Manchester Country Club

Please use this form -->Here<-- to pre-regisiter.

To see who has already registered go -->Here<--.

1970 Classmate John Odell is organizing this event to be held jointly with the class of 1971. It will be held at the Manchester Country Club on Friday. Exact time to be announced but we are shooting for a morning start. That's mid to late morning. This may mean that some will have to make new travel plans and some already have.

We need players to commit to this event. You can bring a guest if you like and some are.

DeadlineIf you have any specific questions you can contact John Odell by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Or by phone at: 860-965-1688.

Don't wait, let us know!

Autumn Golf

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The Quadrangle

The Quadrangle