October 14 - 17, 2022
That's Friday, October 14th through Monday, October 17th.
That's the weekend after Columbus Day weekend. It will be the 52nd reunion of the Manchester High School Class of 1970. Since we've done this before we'll keep it mostly the same. We're always open to make improvements. Send us your suggestions!
Here's where we're at:
- BOOKED: Friday night informal get together. Elicit Brewing on Adams Street in Manchester.
- HALF BOOKED: Saturday morning continental breakfast in the MHS cafeteria with a tour of the school. The tour is confirmed. Waiting to learn about the availability of the cafeteria. They won't know until the school year begins.
- HALF BAKED: MHS Football game. It depends on their schedule.
- HALF THERE: Saturday afternoon activities include golf, an 8-ball pool tournament, and a hike up Case Mountain. We'll do something!
- BOOKED: Saturday night dinner with dancing at the Manchester Country Club.
- ON YOUR OWN: Sunday morning breakfast club. Get togethers at any of the local breakfast joints. We'll provide a platform to organize this.
- Under consideration: Sunday morning corn maze in Vernon.
- Under consideration: Sunday afternoon visit to a couple of Manchester's historic sites. We'll have to see if anything special is on the calendar at the Manchester Historical Society.
- BOOKED: Sunday night at Elicit Brewing. We have their private room known as the Media Room. We'll socialize, watch football, have something to eat, and perhaps some music.
- Tentatively planned: Monday morning, breakfast somewhere prior to a bike ride to Bolton Notch along the rail trail.
- BOOKED: Monday morning. Bicyle ride along the Hop River Rail Trail. From Manchester out to Bolton Notch and back.
- BOOKED: Monday afternoon, lunch at Shady Glen. Say goodbyes if you haven't already.
We want to make this a worthwhile trip for anyone who wants to enjoy the memories of a lifetime and the people who are a part of it. If you are willing to take the time and go to the expense to make the trip from wherever you are then we want to make it worth your effort. If you haven't seen a New England fall foliage in a while you sure can at this time. That's why we chose this weekend. Enjoy it. The photo to the right is a reminder. Photo credit to Karen Ware Gagnon.
Yes, we will hold another reunion. Until then you're on your own. Stay healthy, live well. Eat plenty of greens, vegetables, whole grains, fish, fruit, legumes, breans, nuts, and olive oil. Exercise, keep your spirits up, and we'll see you again.