MHS Breakfast & Tour

Manchester High School, Manchester CT 06040

Manchester High School Breakfast and Tour

Who: Classes of 1970 and 1971.

What: Breakfast at MHS

When: Saturday, October 15 9:00AM.

Where: Manchester High School, 134 Middle Tpke E, Manchester, CT 06040

Map Link: Manchester High School

RSVP please. -->Here<--. We need a rough head count for our food order.

Breakfast of Champions! The bell rings at 9:00 AM in the high school cafeteria. Continental breakfast in the high school cafeteria followed by a tour of the high school. We will be given a tour by current students. Last time it was fun and the students will have questions for us as well. The tour will begin no earlier than 10:00 AM.

MHS has changed quite a bit since we were there. There's been renovations and redesigns of key areas. Classrooms haven't changed much and the lockers are the same. However it's unlikely that your memory will match the reality.

Enter the cafeteria through this new parking lot door pictured below.

Manchester High School, Manchester CT 06040

The cafeteria is nothing like it was when we were there. Here's some photos from our breakfast in 2015.

Manchester High School, Manchester CT 06040

Manchester High School, Manchester CT 06040

Manchester High School, Manchester CT 06040